Hotpoint Monitoring System Power Cable Termination Based On Internet of Things (IoT) Using Telegram Bot
Terminasi, Hotpoint, Internet of Things, HTTP, IR Thermal Camera, Raspberry Pi, Telegram Bot.Abstract
Electricity is energy that is needed in any field, both industry and ordinary people. To be able to
produce good quality electrical energy, it is necessary to monitor and maintain electrical power equipment to
prevent equipment damage that can interfere with the electrical energy distribution system to consumers. One of
the disturbances that are often experienced is the Hotpoint at the terminal connection section between the
conductor cable and the equipment at the substation. Hotpoint is an increase in the production of acoustic pulses
(sound) and an increase in temperature that causes energy dissipation resulting in the heating of a localized area.
This Hotpoint will cause damage to the equipment if it occurs for a long time. In this research, a Hotpoint
monitoring system for 20 kV power cable termination based on the Internet of Things was built to monitor the
temperature condition of the 20 kV power cable termination in real-time. This system uses the MLX90640 IR
Thermal Camera sensor as the cable termination temperature gauge and the DHT22 temperature sensor to
measure the 20 kV cubicle panel temperature. This temperature value will be compared to determine whether
there is a Hotpoint at the termination of the 20 kV power cable. This system uses a MySQL database and HTTP
protocol for communication between the Raspberry Pi4 and the website dashboard, then for notifications using
the Telegram bot. The sensor accuracy test is carried out by comparing the temperature value between the
DHT22 sensor and the Hygrometer with an average measurement value difference of -1.7%, while the
MLX90640 and Fluke Ir 568 sensor accuracy tests have an average measurement value difference of -1.13%°C.
Based on the sensor accuracy testing, it can be concluded that all sensors have a fairly good performance in
measuring the required temperature parameters.
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