kWh meter digital, MIT App Inventor, PHP/HTML, MySQL, Raspberry Pi 3Abstract
The kWh meter is a tool used to measure the total electrical energy consumed by equipment drawn from the main power supply in the house. People are currently using a lot of digital kWh meters with prepaid system payment methods. In the prepaid system, customers can charge electricity tokens with Stroom tokens that have been purchased through ATMs of a number of banks or at the nearest counters. This Stroom token will be entered through the keypad on the digital kWh meter. This digital kWh meter system is considered less than optimal at this time, in this industrial 4.0 era, many users have high enough mobility so they are not always in the home environment for every activity. To solve this problem, an application was created that can monitor the remaining digital kWh meter electricity tokens and can charge electricity tokens. The method used is an android-based application that uses MIT App Inventor as the application design, then the server used is PHP/HTML and a MySQL database to accommodate data that has been processed through the Raspberry Pi microcontroller 3. The results of research testing are very good on the registration page, login page. The test results on the stroom token input page from the keypad have a 27.42 second delay on the solenoid.