Rancang Bangun Film Animasi Sejarah Kebudayaan Pacu Jalur Kuantan Singingi Dengan Grease Pencil
Grease Pencil, 2D, 3D, animation, blender, visualAbstract
In today's information age, the delivery of knowledge about history is minimal. The reality is that studying history is less interesting and less attractive because it is considered boring, as well as reading history books is considered tedious and unpleasant. The history of Kuantan Singingi culture, especially the runway, is still not widely known and is still in book form. One way to convey knowledge about history is through films animation, making animated films with visuals good makes it easier for the audience to understand the story to be conveyed, the process of making animated films is done using the feature grease pencil. This study aims to introduce the history of the Kuantan Singingi culture, namely the pacu jalur and compare the results visual of applying grease pencil in combining 2D and 3D animation. The results of the test to 50 respondents showed that there was an increase in knowledge which was known through the pre-test and post-test scores, the knowledge of the respondents increased by 84%, while in the aspect of comparison of the components visual tested 92% of respondents stated that the historical animated film Culture of Pacu Path Kuantan Singingi with the combination of 2D and 3D is more attractive, while 8% of respondents stated that 2D forms are more attractive than animated films with a combination of 2D and 3D. This animation has met the requirements of filmmaking and has met the requirements of testing visual and coloring images which is validated by film experts and drawing experts.