Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Fifo
PHP, MySQL, FIFO, Laravel, Black-box Testing, Accounting Information SystemAbstract
Olivine Mebel is a house appliance store that sells furniture such as spring beds, sofas, cabinets, dining tables, and others. All purchase and sale transactions, as well as inventory, are still done manually so that it is prone to errors in making financial reports and stock reports that can cause losses. Based on the existing problems, a web-based accounting information system is created to support the Olivine Furniture Store in running its business. The accounting information system was built using the PHP programming language and MySQL DBMS (Database Management System) with the help of the Laravel framework. The method used in the inventory valuation method is FIFO (First In First Out) because this method is suitable for the sales department where at the time of making a sale, the goods sold are the first goods purchased. With this system, recording transactions become easier so that financial reports can be processed automatically, and managing the number of stock items becomes more practical and also makes it easier for users to manage their business. This system is tested by using Black-Box Testing so that it can find out how user acceptance of the information system developed. After the system is completed, the testing phase will be carried out. The results of the Blackbox Testing test state that the system has been running as it should and can operate properly. Expert test results state that the accounting system has been running in accordance with the accounting flow