Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Commerce Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Rumah Lemon Pekanbaru)


  • Alpredo Pandiangan Politeknik Caltex Riau
  • Rika Perdana Sari


E-Commerce, website, User Centered Design, usability, User Acceptance Test, UMKM, User Experience Questionnaire


Rumah Lemon Pekanbaru is one of the UMKM in the Riau area that sell products from organic lemons processed products such as beverages, laundry soap, skin care and others.  Based on an interview with the owner of the Rumah Lemon Pekanbaru obtained the information that there are some problems. The first problem is the difficulty in marketing the product, because the product can only be found in stores or stalls.             The second problem is the difficulty UMKM in recording customer orders made through social media is happening is not efficient and effective for orders data was not recorded properly. Therefore, we need a solution that is an e-commerce web. The system is built by implementing the method of User Centered Design (UCD) in which these techniques focus on users. This system was also tested using Usability, User Acceptance Test (UAT) and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Based on Usability testing that has been conducted shows that 90% of systems that have been built already received users and testing UEQ obtained assert scale of efficiency, dependability, novelty, stimulation and attractiveness on the website Home Lemon Pekanbaru on a scale user experience is "excellent". As for the average scale of perspicuity value is "good". So e-commerce web which has been developed in accordance with user needs.


Keywords: E-Commerce, Website, User Centered Design, Usability, User Acceptance Test, User Experience Questionnaire, UMKM

