Membangun Sistem Informasi Nagari Berbasis Website pada Nagari Salo Kec. Baso


  • Fanni Sukma Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Yuhefizar Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Ruzita Sumiati Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Rino Sukma Politeknik Negeri Padang


Village, Information System, Website


Nagari Salo is one of the villages in the Baso sub-district, Agam Regency. In preparing the Medium

Term Development Plan (RPJM) for the Nagari, a website was created to make it easier for administrative

services, to inform the activities, potential of the Nagari and the achievements of the Nagari Salo. This service

activity aims to provide solutions to these problems, namely by building a village profile website and a village

information system website to assist technology-based village services. To achieve the expected goals, this

service is carried out in 5 stages, namely situation analysis, problem identification, determining the objectives

and benefits of activities, problem solving plans and implementations, and website governance training so that

the users are maximized. In addition, the team also facilitated building a Nagari online store website to help

promote MSMEs in the Nagari. So that this service does not only help the nagari facilities in improving services

to the community, it also improves the quality of human resources in managing the nagari towards a digital



