Pengembangan Aplikasi 5S Management System


  • Sartikha Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Noper Ardi Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Kholifatussiddiq Politeknik Negeri Batam


Management system, trouble ticket, web development, 5S


5S is a framework methodology derived from the Japanese language, namely seiri (整理), seiton (整
頓), seisō(清掃), seiketsu (清潔), and shitsuke (躾). In practice, the party who will report every problem and
violation is the auditor and the department that processes and follows up on every report received from the
auditor is the facility. Until now, there are still many obstacles faced in running 5S. The development of this
application aims to facilitate the management of PT Galaksi Investasi Harapan in managing problems and
violations that occur against 5S in the work environment of PT Galaksi Investasi Harapan. To support this
system, several features have also been added to calculate the time in carrying out problem solving actions so
that problems can be resolved on time. In addition, in solving problems for the approval of the president director,
there is also a function for the approval of the president director so that every problem reported in the 5S
Management System is also known by the president director of PT Galaksi Investasi Harapan.


