Implementation of the Luther Method in Virtual Reality Designing of the Flow of Making a Driver's License (SIM) at the Traffic Unit (Satlantas) of the Kampar Regency Regional Police


  • Andri Nofiar . Am Polytechnic of Kampar, Logistics Engineering Technology, Kampar, Indonesia
  • Antoni Pribadi Polytechnic of Kampar, Informatics Engineering, Kampar, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Rukhshah Polytechnic of Kampar, Informatics Engineering, Kampar, Indonesia
  • Zulfikar Zulfikar Polytechnic of Kampar, Logistics Engineering Technology, Kampar, Indonesia
  • Nurkholis Nurkholis Polytechnic of Kampar, Logistics Engineering Technology, Kampar, Indonesia


Virtual Tour, Satlantas Polres Kampar, Luther.


SIM issuance is carried out by the Polres traffic unit, including Satlantas Polres Kampar, which currently still
uses banners to convey information about the flow of SIM issuance. This problem can be overcome by making a websitebased

Virtual Tour of the Flow of Making a Driver's License. This Virtual Tour was developed using the PHP
programming language, CodeIgniter v3 framework, MySQL database, Apache, jQuery, and hardware in the form of Insta
Nano 360 cameras and iPhone cellphones, as well as software such as Adobe Photoshop. This research aims to facilitate
the public in finding information about the flow of making a driver's license since it can be accessed anytime and
anywhere without having to come or ask directly to the location. The method used in this research is the Luther method,
which consists of six stages: concept, design, material collection, manufacture, testing, and distribution. The results of
this study successfully created a Virtual Tour of the flow of making a driver's license that can be accessed through the
website, and serves as information that makes it easier for the public to find out the flow of making a driver's license at
Satlantas Polres Kampar, with the results of user response reaching an average value of 90.15%.


