Planning and Implementation of Bicycle Paths Connecting Colleges and Government Offices in Bengkalis Island


  • Marhadi Sastra Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bengkaliis
  • Mutia Lisya Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bengkaliis


mobility, bicycle paths, and environmentally friendly


Environmentally friendly mobility is an urgent need for developing areas, including Bengkalis Island. The planning and
development of bicycle paths as a connection between colleges and local government offices on Bengkalis Island consider factors
of efficiency, safety, and comfort. This bicycle path planning is also expected to support a healthy lifestyle and reduce pollution
and traffic congestion. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with mapping analysis and community needs
surveys. The research results show that bicycle paths are not only beneficial for students and employees but also become part of
the environmentally friendly infrastructure for the wider community. Based on the survey results, it is evident that the community
predominantly desires the presence of bicycle paths. After conducting a road inventory, it was found that the accessible road that
can be planned for the bicycle path is from Pramuka Road to the Polytechnic State Campus of Bengkalis and the road connecting
to the Bengkalis government offices, while other roads have not yet provided sufficient width. The planned bicycle path will
adhere to the circular letter from the Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Highways No. 05/SE/Db/2021 regarding
Bicycle Facility Design.


