Factors Affecting The Interest Of Prospective Students In Choosing The D3- Electronics Engineering Program


  • Abdul Hadi Department of Electronics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Indonesia
  • Desi Wahana Department of Linguistic, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Indonesia
  • Fatkhurahman Fatkhurahman Department of Management, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia


Interest in Choosing D3 Electrical Engineering; Motivation; Talent; Family; Society.


The development of the electronics engineering study program has experienced rapid progress in various
aspects, such as microelectronics and semiconductor technology, renewable energy technology, smart grid, Internet of
Things (IoT), communication networks, automation and robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI). However, at Polbeng,
prospective students' interest in choosing this study program is quite concerning. Using a survey method conduct ed on
high school students specializing in electrical engineering in the Riau Province with a sample of 125 respondents,
questionnaires were distributed online, and the data were analyzed using quantitative techniques with multiple linear
regression. The results show that out of the four factors suspected to influence interest in choosing, namely: motivation
(X1); talent (X2); family (X3); and society (X4), only two factors significantly influence, which are the factors of
motivation and talent. Motivation is influenced by career prospects, campus image, choices, promotions/socialization,
and the proximity of the campus to their residence. Meanwhile, talent is determined by academic performance, skills
possessed, creativity in innovation, satisfaction in the chosen department, and independence factor. These two factors
proved to be the most dominant in influencing the choice of study program.


