The Phenomenon of Impulsive Buying Behavior on Ecommerce Twin Date Promotion

(Studying in the Island Communities: Bengkalis Island)


  • Nageeta Tara Rosa International Business Administration Study Program, State Politechnic of Bengkalis, Indonesia
  • Amelia Amelia Business Administration Study Program , State Politechnic of Bengkalis, Indonesia
  • Erma Domos International Business Administration Study Program, State Politechnic of Bengkalis, Indonesia
  • Harun Alrasyid nternational Business Administration Study Program, State Politechnic of Bengkalis, Indonesia


Twin Date Festival, Island Communities, Impulsive Buying


Bengkalis Island, based on its geographical circumstances, bordered by the Malacca Strait, Malaysia, from the
East, North, and West, can only be accessed via sea routes which are ro-ro transportation and ferries for the access,
moreover, its citizens face challenges, especially in shopping, due to limited access to various goods. In such circumstances,
e-commerce platforms like Shopee become crucial. One of its marketing strategies was a Twin Date Festival which can
stimulate impulsive purchasing tendencies. Hence, this investigation seeks to find a potential association between Shopee's
Twin Date Festival and Impulsive Buying Behaviour, specifically among the Bengkalis Island Citizens. This study employs
quantitative analysis techniques, utilizing the SPSS version 29 software for computations. The methodology encompasses
the distribution of questionnaires alongside observational and documentary methods. A sample of 150 respondents received
the questionnaires. Findings indicate a significant correlation between Shopee's Twin Date Festival and Impulsive Buying
behaviors among Island Communities in the Bengkalis District, supported by a significance value of 0.001 <0.05 and a
Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.554, indicating a moderate relationship strength between the two variables. The positive
correlation suggests that increased occurrences of Shopee's Twin Date Festival are associated with heightened impulsive
buying tendencies among Island Citizens in the Bengkalis District.


