Strategy To Improve The Competitiveness Of The Dried Fish Processing Industry In Bandar Lampung City
Competitiveness, Dried Fish, StrategyAbstract
This study aims to create a strategy model to improve the competitiveness of the dried fish processing industry
in Bandar Lampung city. This study is a survey study with a population of dried fish processors in Teluk Betung Barat
District. Primary data and secondary data are used in this study, then the data is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively,
SWOT analysis. The strategy formed is growth seen from the IE matrix value in quadrant 5 with a score value of IFE
(2.64) and EFE (2.86), the right alternative strategy through marketing development is digital marketing to support
fishermen's income, in addition there needs to be an alternative cage business as an anticipation of the availability of
uncertain raw materials